How to become more Spiritual

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How to become more Spiritual
« on: March 06, 2019, 01:15:22 AM »
At some point in time, most people experience a feeling that there is something greater than the concrete world we inhabit. Whether this feeling is inspired by a mystery of science, the awe-inspiring view from a majestic mountaintop, or the energy experienced in connecting with others, these moments can be both humbling and grounding. It’s these feelings, moments and experiences which form the foundation of our notion of spirituality.

One of the most beautiful aspects of spirituality is that it can be experienced differently by everyone. For some people, spirituality is about a devotion to a religious faith. Others seek out a more personal connection with their spiritual side by engaging in activities such as yoga, meditation, spending time in nature or creative expression.

There is no right or wrong way to approach spirituality. What’s important is to recognize that the journey is the prize. Whether you are someone who’s devoted your life to furthering your spiritual development or you’re just starting to discover your spirituality, there are important lessons that can be learned from the path you follow.

We’ve spoken with a diverse group of spiritual teachers; some are bloggers, some are authors, and all of them have a unique take on the meaning of spirituality. We asked them the following question:

“What three tips would you give for someone learning how to become more spiritual in their daily lives?”

Take a look at their answers below. Hopefully their words of wisdom can light a spark that ignites your own spiritual journey.

Spirituality, Change & Patience
Deepen Your Relationship with God
Finding Spiritual Depth Through Commitments
Soul Choices
Light-Hearted Tips for Leading a Spiritual Life
A Daily Deepening of Spiritual Life
A Practical Approach to Life and Living
Everyday Spirituality
In the Present Moment, There Are No Problems
Infuse Your Day with Intention and Awareness
Deepening Awareness of Spirit’s Presence
Everything in Life is Spiritual
I never quite know what people mean when they talk about spirituality, so this is more about how to bring awareness into your daily life.

I see this a lot: people who have great intentions of changing their life are super-enthusiastic for a while, and then stop. For example, we all know how unlikely people are to actually keep their New Year’s resolutions, for instance. The problem is that mere enthusiasm can only get you started. If you want long-term change in your life, you have to start slowly, knowing the initial spurt of energy won’t last. Instead, aim at changing habits. Once a new habit is formed, it can carry your practice when the initial enthusiasm is gone. The habit will stabilize your practice, enabling inspiration to stay within it.

The problem with following only your enthusiasm is that you will start many things, and give up on them later. The result? You not only never stick with anything, but you also lose self-confidence. It is better to do one thing well than start and stop ten.

Spiritual retreats, whether at home or at a retreat center, are a great way to recharge. They can help you realize that the way you normally live is not necessarily the way you have to live. However, in order to really bring more awareness into your daily life, you will find that you also need some kind of reminder at home. This can be a short morning meditation; for instance, simply watching your breath while the coffee is brewing, or taking an hour each weekend to read a spiritual book.

There’s nothing wrong with having a well-rounded understanding of your personal spiritual tradition. However, if you want to use it as a tool to transform your life, you must use it as a mirror on your own life, personality traits and relationships.

When the pastor talks about forgiveness, don’t think about that guy who needs to learn to forgive you; think instead of the grudges you can release.

When you share a beautiful quote on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest, take a moment to really let it sink in for YOU in that moment. Turn away from the screen and take a deep breath, thinking about the quote you just read.


Katinka Hesselink is an online entrepreneur and spiritual blogger at All Considering. She has studied religion and spirituality for more than two decades, including theosophy, Western esotericism, and Buddhism.

Meditation quiets your mind, calms your senses and opens your heart. Through the spiritual science of meditation, you can experience the peace of direct personal contact with God.

Meditation is not an emptying of the mind. It is the highest form of concentration in which the mind is focused entirely on God. Do not be discouraged if your attention drifts and worldly thoughts intrude. Simply begin again as if you had just begun. Continue your practice faithfully, with no expectations, and cherish whatever blessings come your way.

Briefly sit in silence and solitude after completing your practice in order to build a bridge of serenity between your meditation and the impatient world that awaits your return.

In time, with enough patience and practice, you will be able to access a deep inner stillness wherever you happen to be, no matter what is happening around you.

But enriching your inner life is only half the equation. If the peace and unconditional love you feel in meditation is not expressed through your every action, then you are not truly living a spiritual life. The goal of meditation is not to avoid the world, but to live in it more consciously and fully in ways that serve humanity.

Practicing the presence means keeping your love for God in your thoughts as often as possible and maintaining an ongoing dialogue with God. Just as a parent treasures every expression of affection from a beloved child, so too is God touched by your every expression of loving devotion.

What is devotion? It is the unceasing practice of acknowledging God’s presence, with the ultimate goal of living your life as one long prayer. The greater your peace, the easier it becomes to feel God’s presence. It is not outer activity but inner restlessness that distracts you from God. Whenever you think of it, practice the presence by repeating a simple prayer like, “I love you, God,” or “Thou and I, never apart,” or simply, ‘God, God, God.”

Consistent devotional prayer generates a virtuous circle. Every prayer elevates your consciousness, bringing you closer to God, and bringing you greater peace and deepens your devotion, inspiring you to pray more frequently.

Affirmations help you tame the chaotic rumblings on the edge of your consciousness and replace your negative thought patterns with positive ones. What is an affirmation? It is a positive statement that a specific intention is already true. Affirmations are an easy and effective way to reshape the way you look at the world. Train yourself to think more positive, loving thoughts and you will live a more positive, loving life.

The operative word in describing affirmations is “positive”; you must affirm what you want, not what you don’t want. For instance, “I no longer spend my money foolishly,” is a constant, negative reminder that you used to waste your money. A better choice is, “I spend my money wisely.” A successful affirmation does not recall past troubles; it is a positive statement phrased in the present tense that states that from this moment forward you are choosing a better way.

Notice that the above affirmation was not phrased, “I will spend my money wisely.” If an affirmation becomes a promise to change at some undetermined point in the future rather than a statement that the change has already been made, the affirmation is rendered powerless. Why? Affirming “I will spend my money wisely” implies that, starting that afternoon, or next week, or the month after that, you will finally begin to spend your money wisely. The affirmation becomes a promise you never have to fulfill, a giant loophole that gives you free reign to continue spending your money foolishly until you finally decide that you are ready to act responsibly. If a change is envisioned in the future, that is where it will remain.

Similarly, beginning an affirmation with “I want” announces to the Universe that you are coming from a position of lacking whatever it is you want. Remember, the law of attraction states that the Universe is a giant copy machine; it does not judge your desires, it simply responds to your thoughts by giving you more of the same. Therefore, if you affirm, “I want lots of money,” you will continue to have the experience of wanting lots of money. You will always be “wanting” and never “having” because you are affirming that you “want” the money, not that you “have” it already.

A powerful way to begin an affirmation is with the words, “I am.” The Universe does not judge, it simply responds. “Okay,” says the Universe, “if that is what you are, I will give you experiences that support that statement.” Hence, the affirmation, “I am thoughtful and considerate,” is more potent than “I will be thoughtful and considerate” or “I want to be thoughtful and considerate.”